A graham cracker crust filled with creamy chocolate and vanilla pudding then covered with whipped topping and candy bar pieces. A quick, delicious dessert...
I love this chocolate cake recipe because it looks like a fancy-restaurant-style cake and tastes like it too! The Oreo® frosting is really fluffy and...
This may seem like an odd combination, but trust me - the olive oil adds a special richness to this decadent chocolate cake. This is the cake you want...
A really cute gift that can be modified for any occasion when cute marshmallows are available. Recipe makes a yummy s'mores bar. The candy and marshmallows...
Making a peppermint cheesecake is a Christmas tradition around our house. We've tried many recipes, and this is the best combination we've found! It gets...
The main ingredients for this old fashioned candy are mashed potato and confectioners' sugar. Salted peanuts can be substituted for shredded coconut for...
A chocolatey twist on an old Hawaiian favorite! So irresistible and buttery smooth melts in your mouth! A great mochi alternative to traditional brownies....
This is a delicious recipe reminiscent of the peppermint bark made at Christmastime that uses a favorite Easter treat. Fun and easy to make too! Everyone...
An amazing French fondant. It's easy to make, but looks and tastes like you are a professional chef. The quality of chocolate is the most important factor...
These s'mores are neater and easier to make than traditional s'mores. We love making them while camping or sitting around the fire pit. The quantity can...
A chocolate cake is wrapped around alternating stripes of white chocolate whipped cream and a whipped dark chocolate mousse for not only great flavor,...
This recipe explains how to make chocolate Easter eggs with a mold. You can make 1 giant easter egg or a number of smaller eggs, depending on your egg...
A no-bake kosher for Passover seven layer cake, with creamy chocolate, and Concord Grape Manischewitz soaked Matzo - you'll be looking forward to the end...
These delicious little chocolate bites are a mixture between petit fours and miniature cakes. Two layers of chocolate cake are sandwiched together with...
One recipe, 4 different ways to impress. Win over your loved ones with homemade chocolate truffles so good, you'll never have to buy them again. Included...
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie mix in a jar with tag attached with directions on how to prepare the mix. These make wonderful gifts to give any time...
Do you ever crave a sweet pie, but you don't want to take all that time to make a pie, or you might just want to do something different? Then you have...
Sugar cones shaped like cornucopias make for a festive treat! I like to dip them in white chocolate and candied ginger, but you could dip them in sprinkles,...
Birthdays, Easter, baby showers, or just because they are cute and taste good! Got this recipe from a friend and I must share... enjoy! There are many...
Flying back from Hawaii this Thanksgiving - and sat by the nicest couple that shared their snacks and a recipe for fudge to die for! He asked me to call...